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Deciding to Sell Your Business is often the easy part, how to go about selling it is another challenge altogether. MainStreet Commercial’s team of trained professionals is geared towards effectively servicing your business needs. In fact, many of our brokers have experience as business owners and landlords. Whether you are ready to sell your business now, or are just beginning to consider selling, call us at (757) 349-MAIN (6246) for a confidential, no-cost, no obligation consultation. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have. Contact us and one of our experienced business brokers can help you get started. Still unsure? Learn more about the business sales process before contacting one of our business brokers below.
Why should I use MainStreet Commercial when I sell my business?
MainStreet Commercial has the ability to support the sale of your business from the signing of a of the representation agreement through closing. MainStreet’s team of professionals has over 30 years of experience in business marketing and sales in the greater Hampton Roads area. We place your business in front of a multitude of business brokers and buyers across the globe. We confidentially manage your listing and help promote the sale of your business. A large portion of MainStreet’s professionals are former business owners or executives. They understand the concerns expressed by business owners in regard to the sale of their businesses. We provide you with practical answers to the basic questions all sellers and buyers ask:
- What is my business worth?
- What kind of financials do I need to provide when I sell my business?
- How do I and sure confidentiality?
- What is the most effective way to find qualified buyers?
- What kind of financing is available to help me sell my business?
- How do I deal with “off-the-books” transactions?
- How do I screen buyers?
- Will I have to carry a note when I sell my business?
Our team is trained in the specific business brokerage disciplines that produce results. Consultation on a variety of business issues is available at your request as your selling process evolves. Selling a business is an intricate process that requires a very specific expertise as well as the ability to solve problems in a practical yet creative manner.
We do realize, however, that all businesses are unique and that applying a cookie cutter approach will not be the most effective method we always try to tailor our marketing and procedures to accommodate the needs of your business and your concerns. Our intent is always to keep you informed and involved in the sale of your business. We know that you want the freedom to concentrate on your business while we find you the right buyer.
Contact MainStreet Commercial today for a free consultation!
(757) 349-MAIN (6246)